Vineyard Development
AG SOILWORKS tailors precision ripping
and development techniques to specific
soils using the Patented Vibrosoiler ripping
process, deep compost amendment placement,
disking, and mounding in a single GPS-RTK AutoSteer pass.
There is no surveying required, pegging of rows for QA purposes only. There is minimal soil re-compaction by the Caterpillar Challenger track units (7psi) & the D10's Vibrosoiler for maximum breakouts to 6ft, which enables better root development and increased crop yield. AG Soilworks Vibrosoiler achieves 4-times the worked soil volume of a standard ripper with a soft U-shaped rip line. Utilizing the unique AG Soilworks Development Mounder fitted to the rear of the Vibrosoiler unit; ripping, bedding, mounding, and incorporation of organic compost is accomplished in the final pass of our Development System. AG Soilworks Development Technology offers a range of solutions to maximize crop yield potential using 1 to 3 winged parabolic rippers up to depths of 5ft.
AG SOILWORKS current practice is to 1st Rip 3ft and Delve rows to 18”, 2nd add organic matter, 3rd rip to max depth, mix, and mound in a single pass with the Vibrosoiler and Mounder. With this approach we can successfully incorporate organic matter down to depth and mound as desired mixing two inches of top soil into the root zone area, making use of organic carbon and humus in the soil. This increases available water holding capacity, the buffering chemical (AWHC), and promoting uniformity through the soil profile.